
Christian Faith

The Christian Faith is difficult for many people to understand because of the different doctrines found within the Church. Many Christians grapple with trying to understand these so for a non-Christian it must be very confusing. Christians believe that Jesus was Messiah. “Messiah means ‘anointed’ and was translated into Greek as ‘Christos’, but it soon came to be used as a proper name. Jesus did not take this title, but it was trust upon him. Christos soon became Christian, and Jesus of Nazareth became Jesus Christ. His disciple founded the Christian faith after Jesus’ crucifixion, because they believed he died and was raised from death by God and accessed into heaven. Christians also believe that he was the Son of God, the messiah, who was born of a virgin; he came to reconcile God with human beings through his sacrificial death. (These beliefs are set out in the Nicene Creed) This is the subject of much debated which frequently distracts people from the basic teachings of the faith.

The basic teachings are love of God, only worship him, have no false gods, not take his name in vain, love of family, do not commit murder, steal, adultery, make false statements or false witness (lie) and do not covet/desire another person’s possessions.  Love your neighbour and treat others as you wish them to treat you, help people in trouble even if they are a stranger. Do your best to live your life according to the teaching of Jesus and the Bible. Through your life and work, help others to know Jesus and follow his teachings.

At the start of the 21st Century life has charged from the times of the early Christian writers, but the basic principles remain the same and are based on the teachings of Jesus. This site tries to relate these to the modern world, which can be difficult at times. I am therefore going to write a guide to the Christian faith, which will take some months to research and will initial take the form of a blog which will start to appear on this page, hopefully at the end of March. The current articles and essays found on this page may help the readers to gain an understand of the Christian Faith. sought to challenge attitudes by teaching people to love their neighbour as themselves. In today’s world, his teachings are still challenging us to care for others. We all need to reflect on how we can show love to our fellow human beings.

click on headings to read articles.

David Rogers Ministries

A message for all without discrimination. Reflection based on Acts 10.34-48 & Isaiah 56. 1-8

 Through out history there has been discrimination, even in the Christian Church, but the Christian message does not discriminate. It is a message for all. Acts 10.1-33 tells the story of how God prepares the way for the meeting of Cornelius and Peter, and that Peter was beginning to realise that the message about Jesus was not just for the Jews but for everyone. Peter knew that we are all equal members of God’s family. God does discriminate but welcomes all into his family.

Acts 10:34-48 tells us that Peter had an eager an audience and was quick to seize on the situation. In the Old Testament God had chosen Israel as his people to be example to others. It is clear, however, with the arrival of Jesus that God's message was for all who wish to follow his ways and not on any merits of the people, so there is no inconsistency in the claim that God accepts people of all nations.We are all equal in God's eyes this is not a new message because it can be found in Isaiah 56: 1-8. Isaiah's passage brings together the familiar themes of justice and righteousness. The passage makes clear that God’s house is for all members of humanity not just Jew. Just as Jesus interpreted the commandment Love your neighbour, Peter was in Act starting to take the message to all without any discrimination. 

Jesus Christ sought to challenge attitudes by teaching people to love their neighbour as themselves. In today’s world, his teachings are still challenging us to care for others. We all need to reflect on how we can show love to our fellow human beings.

The Sermon on the Mount influences Christian ethics and highlights some of today's faith issues

The Sermon set out in Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5 to 7 has influenced and inspired Christians over the centuries in many different ways. Some of the teaching was revolutionary in its day and still challenges attitudes today. Jesus uses six antitheses to illustrate the ethical conduct he expected from his disciples. These include teaching on murder, anger, lust, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation and attitude towards enemies and neighbours.

The writer of Matthew’s Gospel has carefully crafted the teachings of Jesus Christ into this passage. Although Matthew wrote his account nearly two thousand years ago it still influences Christian ethics today, because it does not just provide a set of rules, but provides a basis for a different lifestyle. The Christian life should therefore seek to demonstrate to the world what it means to serve God’s kingdom with all their hearts reflecting this through their attitudes to other people.

The first responsibility of a believer is obedience and devotion to God. This will inevitably bring them into conflict with some of the ethical practices within modern society, which is highly influenced by selfish motives. The Sermon does not just influence Christian ethics; it provides a whole range of teaching on our relationship with God and our attitude to other people.

Take a look at the articles below which try to relate the Sermon to the modern world.